Raman Lally

Frontend Developer


Drunk Bike

A game made with ZIMjs and box2d for physics. The goal is to stay upright by repeatedly tapping keys on the keyboard for pedding and leaning. Inspired by the popular flash game QWOP.

Interactive Mural

A multiplayer experience running on node.js and socket.io. Users would access the site with their mobile phones and move around using the accelerometer while being given random colours.

Birth Year Movie

This application that makes use of the TMDb API. The app asks users for their birth year and then queries the api for the movie that grossed the most that year. It then displays the movie poster and name. Bulma and the fetch api were used here.

Conway's Game Of Life

A life simulation based on John Horton Conway's original application. It creates and removes cells based on a set of rules that are meant to simulate a very simple version of life. Zimjs was used for the display of the cells on a canvas.


I am a Javascript developer who wants to create interesting and fun experiences. I enjoy being involved in all aspects of the stack, from the server to the client, but my main focus is on front end development. Learning is my main goal at the moment: I want to be challenged so I can continue to grow my skill set and become a better developer.

When I am not developing, I am usually learning more about Javascript or other technologies, so I can better bring my ideas to life. My other passions include biking, playing indie games, competitive online gaming, and reading graphic novels.


Please feel free to contact me: r.v.lally@gmail.com